Showing 51 - 75 of 111 Results
Theatro Moral de la Vida Humana, en Cien Emblemas; con el Enchiridion de Epicteto; y la Tabl... by Veen, Otto Van 1556-1629, H... ISBN: 9781363696284 List Price: $26.95
Emblemata Amatoria = Emblems of Love = Embleme d'Amore = Emblemes D'Amour : In Four Language... by Ayres, Philip 1638-1712, Ve... ISBN: 9781362107033 List Price: $13.95
Le Theatre Moral de La Vie Humaine, Representee En Plus de Cent Tableaux Divers (Litterature... by Van Veen, Otto, Otto Van Veen ISBN: 9782011268860 List Price: $20.95
Amoris Divini Emblemata, Studio et Aere Othonis Vaeni Concinnata by Van Veen, Otto ISBN: 9781165956678 List Price: $28.76
Emblemi Di Q Orazio Flacco by Veen, Otto Van, Mulinari, S... ISBN: 9781178523904 List Price: $36.75
Quinti Horatii Flacci emblemata: imaginibus in aes incisis, notisq[ue], illustrata - Primary... by Otto van Veen, Horace Horac... ISBN: 9781295060795 List Price: $24.75
Othonis VaenI Emblemata Horatiana: imaginibus in aes incisis : atque latino, germanico, gall... by Otto van Veen, Horace Selec... ISBN: 9781295052813 List Price: $26.75
Zinnebeelden, Getrokken Uit Horatius Flaccus by Veen, Otto Van ISBN: 9781149595312 List Price: $25.75
Quinti Horatii Flacci Emblemata by Horace, Veen, Otto Van ISBN: 9781162053837 List Price: $39.95
Emblemata Amatoria = Emblems of Love = Embleme d'Amore = Emblemes D'Amour : In Four Language... by Ayres, Philip, Veen, Otto V... ISBN: 9781294656630 List Price: $22.75
CL. Bruins Aanmerkingen Op Otto Van Veens Zinnebeelden der Goddelyke Liefde by Bruin, Claas 1671-1731, Sch... ISBN: 9781361319611 List Price: $23.95
De Godlievende Ziel Vertoont in Zinnebeelden by Hugo, Herman 1588-1629, Vee... ISBN: 9781361743416 List Price: $27.95
Emblemata Amatoria = Emblems of Love = Embleme d'Amore = Emblemes D'Amour : In Four Language... by Ayres, Philip 1638-1712, Ve... ISBN: 9781362107057 List Price: $23.95
Emblemi Di Q. Orazio Flacco by Veen, Otto Van 1556-1629, M... ISBN: 9781362106685 List Price: $19.95
Emblemi Di Q. Orazio Flacco by Veen, Otto Van 1556-1629, M... ISBN: 9781362106715 List Price: $29.95
Theatro Moral de la Vida Humana, en Cien Emblemas; con el Enchiridion de Epicteto; y la Tabl... by Veen, Otto Van, Horace, Hor... ISBN: 9780274716951 List Price: $16.95
Theatro Moral de la Vida Humana en Cien Emblemas by Veen, Otto Van, Epicteto, C... ISBN: 9780274705665 List Price: $16.95
Theatro moral de la vida humana, en cien emblemas ; con el Enchiridion de Epicteto ; y La ta... by Otto van Veen, Horace Horace ISBN: 9780353732865 List Price: $26.95
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